Объектно-ориентированное программирование простым языком объясняют эксперты

Эта документация дает возможность всем заинтересованным лицам сформировать свое представление о продукте и сценариях пользовательского поведения, которые должны быть реализованы в ходе итераций разработки. С BDD-подходом мы также снижаем порог входа в проект новых участников. TDD считается одной из форм правильного метода построения приложения. Философия разработки на основе тестов заключается в том, что ваши тесты являются спецификацией того, как ваша программа должна вести себя. Если вы рассматриваете свой набор тестов как обязательную часть процесса сборки, если ваши тесты не проходят, объектно ориентированное программирование программа не собирается, потому что она неверна.

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Объектно-ориентированное программирование

Взгляд на программирование «под новым углом» (отличным от процедурного) предложили Алан Кэй и Дэн Ингаллс в языке Smalltalk. Здесь понятие класса стало основообразующей идеей для всех остальных конструкций языка (то есть класс в Смолтоке является примитивом, посредством которого описаны более сложные конструкции). Именно он стал первым широко распространённым объектно ориентированным языком программирования. Субъектно-ориентированное программирование расширяет понятие объекта посредством обеспечения более унифицированного и независимого взаимодействия объектов. Может являться переходной стадией между ООП и агентным программированием в части самостоятельного их взаимодействия.

Объекты и классы: как их использовать

Этот паттерн также как и предыдущий, содержит набор объектов, но не все они обязаны быть одиночками. Статические и классовые методы доступны без инстанцирования. Обратите внимание на первый аргумент – self – общепринятое имя для ссылки на объект, в контексте которого вызывается метод. Этот параметр обязателен и отличает метод класса от обычной функции.

Порядок разрешения доступа к атрибутам

При создании класса мы упрощаем его до тех атрибутов и методов, которые нужны в этом конкретном коде, не пытаясь описать его целиком и отбрасывая всё второстепенное. Скажем, все кошки теоретически умеют охотиться, но если наша программа не предназначена для ловли мышей, то и прописывать этот метод незачем. Используя эти свойства и методы, можно значительно ускорить разработку, сделать код более читаемым. К тому же самому программисту проще составлять код, если он думает с помощью объектов. Представьте себе музыкальный плеер, который может воспроизводить разные аудиоформаты, такие как mp3, wav и flac. Для каждого формата требуется свой метод воспроизведения, однако, вместо создания методов Play, PlayMp3, PlayWav, PlayFlac, правильнее будет использовать общий метод Play.

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В Python вы можете поучаствовать не только в создании объекта, но и в его удалении. Специально для этого предназначен метод-деструктор __del__. Подробнее о других специальных методах жизненного цикла объектов поговорим чуть ниже.

Подобрать программу и поступить

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Кроме наследования, существует и другой способ организации межклассового взаимодействия – ассоциация (агрегация или композиция), при которой один класс является полем другого. Используя множественное наследования можно создавать классы-миксины (примеси), представляющие собой определенную особенность поведения. Например, вавтомобиле такие разрешенные методы – это руль, коробка передач, педали газа итормоза и прочее, чем мы можем управлять во время движения. И по большому счету, нам не важно, как именнодостигается результат, главное, чтобы ехали! Экземпляром класса (объектом) называет целый робот, который создан точно по чертежу. Эти понятия являются основой ООП и позволяют разработчикам создавать модульные, повторно используемые и легко поддерживаемые программы.

В самом простом случае все, что мы можем сделать при общении в соцсети – отправить кому-то сообщение и прочитать сообщения, отправленные нам. Благодаря абстракции, полиморфизму и наследованию можно не писать один и тот же код много раз. Интерфейсы и классы в ООП могут легко преобразовываться в подобие библиотек, которые можно использовать заново в новых проектах.

ооп простыми словами

Все эти дорисовки мы сделаем в классе наследнике, основной функционал которого взят из родительского класса. Поскольку на примере все усвоить гораздо проще, то давайте за пример возьмем робота, которого постараемся описать за счёт классов в ООП. ООП может быть полезно при моделировании банковских счетов.

С их помощью можно передать объекту параметры и провести необходимые операции. Объект — это экземпляр класса, или его копия, которая находится в памяти компьютера. Например, когда вы создаёте переменную типа String и присваиваете ей значение «Строка», то в памяти создаётся экземпляр класса String.

Это позволяет не копипастить код по двести раз, а один раз нормально написать и потом много раз использовать. Чаще всего под обычным понимают процедурное программирование, в основе которого — процедуры и функции. Функция — это мини-программа, которая получает на вход какие-то данные, что-то делает внутри себя и может отдавать какие-то данные в результате вычислений. Представьте, что это такой конвейер, который упакован в коробочку.

Но экземпляры этого класса, которых, к слову, можно создавать сколько угодно, уже будут раскрашены в любые цвета. Стабильность работы приложения, разработанного через тестирование, выше за счёт того, что все основные функциональные возможности программы покрыты тестами и их работоспособность постоянно проверяется. Заместитель — это структурный паттерн проектирования, который позволяет подставлять вместо реальных объектов специальные объекты-заменители. Эти объекты перехватывают вызовы к оригинальному объекту, позволяя сделать что-то до или после передачи вызова оригиналу.

Также ООП экономит время при поддержке и доработке приложения. Объектно-ориентированное программирование определяют через четыре принципа, по которым можно понять основы работы. Иногда количество сокращают до трех — опускают понятие абстракции. Объект — это набор переменных и функций, как в традиционном функциональном программировании. При разработке на основе типов ваши типы данных и сигнатуры типов являются спецификацией программы.

В первое время они должны отражать окружающий нас мир и только потом трансформироваться в абстракции и переходить к языку программирования. Часто статьи про ООП начинаются с кучи терминов, теории и сложных объяснений подходов и парадигм. Например, инкапсуляцию удобно объяснять с помощь магазина, где есть витрина, на которой все видно и красиво расставлено и есть склад, куда обычного покупателя не пускают.

К примеру, возьмём числа типа Int64 и создадим с помощью них числа с плавающей точкой. Такой класс, конечно, уже есть, но мы можем переопределить его по-своему. Классы могут передавать свои атрибуты и методы классам-потомкам. Например, мы хотим создать новый класс «Домашняя кошка».

  • На практике деструктор используется редко, в основном для тех ресурсов, которые требуют явного освобождения памяти при удалении объекта.
  • Исследуем, как работает Bootcamp, как выбрать курсы и подготовиться к учебе, и какие перспективы есть у выпускников.
  • Она, свою очередь, по нашему запросу «нужен человек», будет либо сама работать как отдел кадров, либо же найдет другую компанию, которая предоставит данные услуги.
  • Руководитель отдела также является сотрудником, но он обладает рядом дополнительных свойств, например, у него есть подчиненные.

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A-Book: How Forex Brokers Manage Their Risk

If you want to buy stocks, you will almost always need a broker — essentially, a middleman — to place those orders on your behalf. While some brokerages may require minimum deposits, plenty of firms allow you to open an account without any deposit requirements. This makes it possible to get started even if you have only a few dollars to invest. In many cases, you can even buy fractional shares of a stock or exchange-traded fund (ETF), allowing you to trade smaller amounts even if you don’t have enough capital available to buy https://www.xcritical.com/ a full share. Many advisors are available by phone or email and are quite responsive.

How do stockbrokers make money?

But…because the broker had offloaded its risk what is a book vs b book to the LP, the broker does not get to celebrate. The reality is that the broker still takes the opposite side of Elsa’s trade. It’s important to point out that Elsa is still only trading with her broker.

Forex Broker’s Order Execution Quality: What’s the Buzz, Friends?

Two common types of brokers in the forex industry are A Book and B Book brokers. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of A Book and B Book brokers, their roles in forex trading, and the pros and cons of each. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of these brokers and be equipped to choose the right one for your trading needs. A-Book Brokers make money by increasing the spread or charging commissions on the volume of orders.

What Are the Advantages of Trading with an A-Book Broker?

  • It also allows Brokers to earn money from profiting traders by sending their trading orders to liquidity providers without generating conflicts of interest.
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  • But ECN/STP brokers cannot be called pure ECN brokers, since they do not give the trader information about the Depth of Market (its liquidity).
  • Brokers must navigate these dilemmas with care to maintain a fair trading platform.
  • Traders may be cautious of broker manipulation and may question the fairness and trustworthiness of the trading environment provided.

M&A advisors are often investment bankers that work on a national or even global scale, handling complex deals and sales spanning multiple locations. By contrast, business brokers typically specialize in smaller, main street companies. These businesses are usually valued below $2 million and in many cases, are owned by individuals or families who work there full-time. The investing information provided on this page is for educational purposes only. NerdWallet, Inc. does not offer advisory or brokerage services, nor does it recommend or advise investors to buy or sell particular stocks, securities or other investments. But robo-advisors are certainly not for everyone, as they may not provide access to more complex products and strategies embraced by some investors.

Picking the Best Business Broker

a-book vs b-book brokers

Brokers in the Forex and CFD industry categorize traders into different models like A-Book and B-Book primarily for risk management and profitability optimization. This practice is an integral part of their business strategy to ensure sustainability and profitability. This process, known as A-Book execution, allows the broker to mitigate the risk of being on the losing end of the trade, as it offsets its position with the liquidity provider.

How Forex Brokers Aggregating Orders and Hedging Residual Risk

B-Book brokers provide instant execution, a wide range of order types, and potential custom pricing but raise concerns about conflicts of interest and higher spread markups. Understanding the differences and considering individual trading preferences will help traders make an informed decision when choosing between A-Book brokers and B-Book brokers for their trading activities. In the world of forex trading, selecting the right brokerage model is essential for traders. Two prominent models that shape the trading experience are A-Book and B-Book brokers.

What is A-Book vs B-Book Trading?

Online brokerages are best for the self-directed investor who knows about the markets or conducts research to choose a portfolio best suited to their goals. If you’re only going to make a few trades a year, you may want to pay a little more per trade to get access to higher-quality research and analysis. If you’re a day trader, you’ll probably want to consider a site that gives its most active users free trades. Good financial advisors build and monitor investment portfolios and offer advice in many aspects of their clients’ financial lives.

It depends on individual preferences, trading strategies, and risk tolerance. A Book brokers offer transparency, while B Book brokers provide quick execution and fixed spreads. In either case, understanding the different types of brokers available is crucial.

Others, meanwhile, might prefer to trim down these costs, perhaps by hiring a broker to just handle the final negotiation phase. Brokerage models come with their unique operational characteristics that bring forth specific ethical dilemmas, especially concerning conflicts of interest and maintaining trust in broker-trader relationships. For instance in B Book models where brokers may profit from traders losses, transparent operations along with standards are crucial to preserve trust. When the retail forex broker takes the opposite of a customer’s trade, it can choose to ACCEPT the market risk or TRANSFER it to another market participant.

A broker always, no matter what the model, wants scale; the more trades the better, whether they are long or short. In the instant that a client buys £/$, another client may, seconds later, chooses to sell £/$. Some traders are uncomfortable with the idea of a broker benefiting from their losses, and it’s understandable. A-Book trading provides transparency and market neutrality as orders are matched with counterparties in the market, although execution times may be delayed during periods of low liquidity. Understanding the A-Book and B-Book models equips you with the knowledge necessary to select a forex broker that best suits your trading objectives.

a-book vs b-book brokers

I wouldn’t say that the STP or the DMA are the best forex broker models. Every model has its pros and cons, in terms of order execution speed, trading costs and slippages. I would recommend trying both models and choosing the one most suitable for your trading style and trading system. The difference is that the ECN is a virtual network where orders of all market participants are aggregated, sorted and executed. DMA is similar to STP, where traders’ orders are distributed among liquidity providers. The A-Book hybrid forex broker model is one of the most common ways of technological support for trades execution employed by large brokerage companies.

Additionally, understanding your own trading style and finding a broker that aligns with it is vital. Regardless of whether you choose an A Book or B Book broker, risk management should be a priority. A Book brokers may offer features such as guaranteed stop-loss orders to limit potential losses.

One of the primary drivers behind this is the rising use of automation and technology used by prop firms or Trader-Funded Firms (TFFs). With so many options available in the market, picking the right tools can be overwhelming—researching can be a chore and time-consuming. A research by Brokeree suggests that global interest in social trading services has been steadily increasing over the past four years. May sound crazy, but that’s how the inner workings of the brokerage industry operate. They obviously want your trading account to be active – they don’t care if you are winning or losing; all they want is that your trading volume will be as high.

In addition, even when liquidity is low, traders get a good execution of orders because the Broker acts as the market maker. The A-Book Broker model (NonDealing Desk) operates as a middleman between the trader and the market. By choosing to deal through an A-Book Forex Broker, the trader cuts out both the market maker and their dealing desk, removing, as a consequence, the parties that would otherwise profit from their transactions. The Good Money Guide is a UK-based guide to global trading, investment and currency accounts.

Fixed spreads can provide stability and predictability for traders, as they know the exact cost of each trade in advance. However, fixed spreads may be slightly higher compared to variable spreads during periods of low volatility. Traders should carefully consider their trading style, frequency, and the currency pairs they trade to determine which spread model suits their needs. Another benefit is the ability to offer reduced transaction costs, especially appealing to traders with limited account balances. By managing the market, brokers can provide spreads and lower commissions, making trading more accessible and financially feasible for a wider range of traders. This cost effectiveness is vital for traders aiming to maximize profits while minimizing expenses.

Substance abuse Wikipedia

what is drug addiction

At various stages in the judicial process, the justice system can divert people to treatment and services in the community instead of incarcerating them. Studies show that those who are high in the trait of neuroticism—they are prone to experiencing negative emotions—are overwhelmed by minor frustrations and interpret ordinary situations as stressful. Neuroticism is linked to a wide array of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and eating disorders as well as substance abuse. Neuroticism is also linked to a diminished quality of life, another factor that could increase the allure of substance use. Prolonged stress during childhood dysregulates the normal stress response and, through overproduction of cortisol, is especially harmful to the brain’s hippocampus, impairing memory and learning.

What are the signs of addiction?

The cause of a drug overdose is either by accidental overuse or by intentional misuse. Accidental overdoses result from either a young child or an adult with impaired mental abilities swallowing a medication left within their grasp. An adult (especially seniors or people taking many medications) can mistakenly ingest the incorrect medication or take the wrong dose of a medication. Purposeful overdoses are for a desired effect, either to get high or to harm oneself. Drug misuseis when you use legal or illegal substances in ways you shouldn’t. You might take more than the regular dose of pills or use someone else’s prescription.

what is drug addiction

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Blood, urine or other lab tests are used to assess drug use, but they’re not a diagnostic test for addiction. However, these tests may be used for monitoring treatment and recovery. While these substances are very different from each other, they all strongly activate the reward center of your brain and produce feelings of pleasure. Use of these substances can lead to substance use disorders (SUDs) — but not always. While increased tolerance and dependence must be present for a formal substance use disorder diagnosis, many people become addicted to substances before developing physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms.

Health Alerts from Harvard Medical School

  • The commissioner emphasized the state government’s strategies to tackle drug-related problems, including reactivating 21 skills institutes to engage youths productively.
  • The indictment charges Hunter Biden with knowingly deceiving a firearms dealer when buying a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver on Oct. 12, 2018.
  • Substances such as alcohol, marijuana and nicotine also are considered drugs.
  • When you’re addicted to drugs, you can’t resist the urge to use them, no matter how much harm the drugs may cause.
  • These tests give your provider information about your overall health.
  • A 2019 report by the Canadian Chief Public Health Officer concluded that responding to stigma in the health system requires a comprehensive approach through education, training, practice, and policy.

Their genetic makeup inclines them to develop such personality traits as thrill-seeking. Their craving for risk and novelty takes the fear out of drug use and the huge dopamine boost powerfully reinforces the motivation to seek the reward over and over again. However, there are a number of personality traits, each of which is partly genetically influenced, that contribute to the risk of addiction.

Dr. Dzmitry Krupchanka from the WHO described the organization’s approach to addressing substance use during humanitarian emergency responses. He noted that people in humanitarian settings have much higher rates of mental health problems than other populations; moreover, mental and physical health conditions are often comorbid with SUDs. Dr. Krupchanka mentioned a 2024 WHO draft resolution on strengthening mental health and psychosocial https://ecosoberhouse.com/ support (MHPSS) before, during, and after humanitarian emergencies. The resolution includes MHPSS as an integral component of preparedness, response, and recovery activities in all emergencies. He then reviewed the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings, which delineate key actions to minimize harm related to alcohol and other substance use.

what is drug addiction

what is drug addiction

She noted that synthetic drugs have proliferated in those drug markets, particularly since 2013, and that NPS also have become more common. Of concern are amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS), such as amphetamines and prescription stimulants, methamphetamine, synthetic what is drug addiction hallucinogens, and synthetic opioids. Information on NPS is coming from drug seizures and early warning data that are reported to the Early Warning System for the Americas. The most severe implications are for countries with fragile health care systems.

Why do some people become addicted to drugs, while others do not?

Sports Life

what is drug addiction

  • Drug use and addiction have woven themselves into the fabric of human society, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives.
  • Someone with an addition won’t stop their behavior, even if they recognize the problems the addiction is causing.
  • If the decision is to revise and resubmit the paper, authors should decide if they want to resubmit the paper and, if so, respond to each criticism by either modifying the manuscript or debating/refuting the criticism.
  • In life-threatening circumstances, an ambulance should usually be summoned by calling 911.
  • Mindfulness meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and nutritional therapy are just a few examples of complementary approaches that some individuals find helpful in managing cravings and promoting overall well-being.

Drug addiction substance use disorder Symptoms and causes

what is drug addiction

Learn more about NIMH research areas, policies, resources, and initiatives. If you or someone you know has a mental illness, there are ways to get help. Use these resources to find help for yourself, a friend, or a family https://ecosoberhouse.com/ member. A person with addiction can find many organizations that may help them. Medicinal advances and progress in diagnosis have helped the medical community develop various ways to manage and resolve addiction.

Drug Addiction: Understanding the Patterns, Effects, and Treatment Options

what is drug addiction

The relatively new areas of dissemination and implementation research are also crucial to determine how research findings can be translated into standards of practice on an international scale. Because addiction can affect so many aspects of a person’s life, treatment should address the needs of the whole person to be successful. Counselors may select from a menu of services that meet the specific medical, mental, social, occupational, family, and legal needs of their patients to help in their recovery.

Behavior therapy

The roundtables included people with opioid use disorder, people with chronic pain, and pharmacy professionals, respectively. Agreement with these messages was then assessed in an anonymous survey among roundtable participants. Additionally, they need to help empower through communication their patients who are prescribed opioids. Behavioral therapies help people in drug addiction treatment modify their attitudes and behaviors related to drug use. As a result, patients are able to handle stressful situations and various triggers that might cause another relapse. Behavioral therapies can also enhance the effectiveness of medications and help people remain in treatment longer.

Does everyone who takes drugs become addicted?

what is drug addiction

Kano State Government has sought the assistance of the National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, in tackling drug menace in the state. Three House Republican chairmen have sent a letter to Biden’s lawyers, Christopher Clark and Abbe Lowell, asking for documents related to the plea deal. Biden was set to plead guilty in July to two misdemeanor charges for not paying his taxes in 2017 and 2018, which he has since paid. He was also set to enter a pretrial program for a gun charge, which would have resulted in the charge being dropped if he complied with program’s requirements.

  • Dr. Jones explained that children are increasingly victims of drug trafficking and drug use within their families and communities, leading to children as young as 5-12 years having an SUD.
  • Treatment for drug addiction may involve psychotherapy, medication, hospitalization, support groups, or a combination.
  • Substance use is not always an indication of addiction, although drug use carries numerous health and social risks in addition to the risk of addiction.

These measures aim to conduct rapid assessments, prevent harmful alcohol and other substance use and dependence, facilitate harm reduction interventions in the community, and manage withdrawal and other acute problems. An open, free course is available to learn about this, as well as some cultural adaptations. Additionally, several WHO resources to address substance use and its consequences in humanitarian settings will be forthcoming. Dr. Clarke also introduced several large programs that NIDA supports — partly together with other NIH Institutes — to address the opioid public health crisis. Despite these advances, we still do not fully understand why some people develop an addiction to drugs or how drugs change the brain to foster compulsive drug use. The session focused specifically on stigma from pharmacy professionals.

what is drug addiction

Preventing drug misuse in children and teenagers

what is drug addiction

Barbiturates, benzodiazepines and hypnotics are prescription central nervous system depressants. They’re often used and misused in search for a sense of relaxation or a desire to “switch off” or forget stress-related thoughts or feelings. Substituted cathinones, also called “bath salts,” are mind-altering (psychoactive) substances similar to amphetamines such as ecstasy (MDMA) and cocaine. Signs and symptoms of drug use or intoxication may vary, depending on the type of drug.

action: ‘healthbeat’

A history of trauma in your life also makes you more likely to have addiction. Many, though not all, self-help support groups use the 12-step model first developed by Alcoholics Anonymous. Self-help support groups, such what is drug addiction as Narcotics Anonymous, help people who are addicted to drugs. The goal of detoxification, also called “detox” or withdrawal therapy, is to enable you to stop taking the addicting drug as quickly and safely as possible.

When should I see my healthcare provider about addiction?

what is drug addiction

Drug abuse: Kano Govt seeks NDLEA assistance

what is drug addiction

She emphasized that a multi-sector response is needed in such situations, and some of these sectors are also addressed in the IASC Guidelines mentioned by Dr. Krupchanka. Dr. Paul also described the IASC MHPSS Reference Group, which is cochaired by WHO, UNODC, and UNHCR and involves over 11 member agencies as well as five observers. Their current priority is developing materials for training and orienting various groups of humanitarian workers on substance use, from materials for basic communication to materials on advanced interventions. For example, orientation materials are being developed on SUDs as health conditions, how to provide support, life-threatening conditions related to substance use, and similar topics. These materials are currently being field tested, with an eye to adapting them to various cultures and contexts.

Looking for Treatment?

what is drug addiction

Young children may swallow drugs by accident because of their curiosity about medications they may find. Children younger than age 5 (especially age 6 months to 3 years) tend to place everything they find into their mouth. Drug overdoses in this age group are generally caused when someone accidentally leaves a medication within the child’s reach.

Research Funded by NIMH

Even after you’ve completed initial treatment, ongoing treatment and support can help prevent a relapse. Follow-up care can include periodic appointments with your counselor, continuing in a self-help program or attending a regular group session. Over time, the substances or activities change your brain chemistry, and you become desensitized to their effects. This can create an unhealthy drive to seek more pleasure from the substance or activity and less from healthier activities. Substances send massive surges of dopamine through your brain, too, as well as certain activities, like having sex or spending money.

Social Media

what is drug addiction

These are implemented either during outreach with mobile units or at fixed locations in clinics or in the community. Ms. Thun reported that for 2022, about 18 million needles and syringes were distributed, with a return rate of 86%. For HIV testing, the program brought testing closer to the PWID and their families, allowed for effective linkage to care and rapid ART initiation, as well as testing and treatment what is drug addiction in hard-to-reach locations. The program reduced the proportion of PWID who were HIV positive and achieved high linkage to treatment and ART initiation for both PWUD and PWID and their sexual partners. Ms. Tun concluded that to address drug use and HIV in countries such as Myanmar, understanding the context and needs of clients is essential, and that community inclusion and harm reduction approaches work.

They produce a sense of euphoria and well-being by flooding the brain with dopamine. The best form of treatment depends on the substance and the presentation of the addiction, which varies https://ecosoberhouse.com/ from person to person. However, treatment usually involves medication, counseling, and community support. Addiction is a serious, chronic dependence on a substance or activity.

what is drug addiction

Health & Wellbeing

It involves identifying triggers, developing coping strategies, and creating a support network to help maintain sobriety. It’s important to remember that relapse is often part of the recovery process and should be viewed as a learning opportunity rather than a failure. Support groups and 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have been helping people achieve and maintain sobriety for decades.

Effects of Drug Addiction

Signs and symptoms of inhalant use vary, depending on the substance. Some commonly inhaled substances include glue, paint thinners, correction fluid, felt tip marker fluid, gasoline, cleaning fluids and household aerosol products. Due to the toxic nature of these substances, users may develop brain damage or sudden death.

what is drug addiction

action: ‘healthbeat’

what is drug addiction

NIDA explores in this video the intriguing similarities between the processes of brain development and computer… Watch artist and advocate William Stoehr’s intimate testimony, as he shares his story of loss to an opioid overdose and… Although this was by far the most dramatic show so far on the Jane’s Addiction tour — their first such outing in 14 years — there had been signs of intra-band tension or vocal difficulty at earlier stops, as reported in reviews and fan accounts. She wrote on her Instagram account Saturday morning that her husband was upset about the band’s sound levels drowning out his vocals, and that led to his assault on seemingly unsuspecting guitarist Dave Navarro. Etty has complimentary words for how coolly Navarro handled the situation. On the other hand, she lays into bassist Eric Avery for “cheap shots” in allegedly putting the singer into a headlock and punching him three times — something that wasn’t clear from widely disseminated fan video of the on-stage altercation.

  • Last but not least, we have cannabis – the most widely used illicit drug in the world.
  • One way in which substance abuse is harmful for a performer (musicians especially) is if the substance being abused is aspirated.
  • It involves family and friends and sometimes co-workers, clergy or others who care about the person struggling with addiction.
  • Ms. Tun concluded that to address drug use and HIV in countries such as Myanmar, understanding the context and needs of clients is essential, and that community inclusion and harm reduction approaches work.
  • Although this was by far the most dramatic show so far on the Jane’s Addiction tour — their first such outing in 14 years — there had been signs of intra-band tension or vocal difficulty at earlier stops, as reported in reviews and fan accounts.
  • Without treatment, addiction can cause serious health issues, even death.

Still working remotely? Your 2021 taxes may be more complicated

A whopping 51% of Americans worked remotely at one time or another between April 2020 and April 2021. This onslaught of new remote workers will lead to many people tackling income taxes for remote work for the first time. Concentrated wealth is a pressing social problem, and many states are pursuing tax policies to better tax the wealth that escapes taxation entirely and exacerbates economic and racial inequities. In Texas, like in most other states, extreme wealth – defined by ITEP as the wealth held by households with net worths of $30 million or more – is held mostly by those at the very top.

  • Employers generally do not withhold any taxes from contractors or make payments to government entities on their behalf.
  • These hybrid commuters would be in a situation where they would need to pay state income tax for both states.
  • If you are unsure whether you are a temporary or permanent remote worker, ask your employer.
  • Most important, ask if the advisor is a fiduciary, which means they must operate in your best interest not theirs, based on the Investment Advisers Act of 1940.
  • Typically, employers should support workers’ efforts to accommodate court orders.
  • A number of other states, including New Jersey, Connecticut, and Iowa, have filed amicus briefs in the case.

That could mean a higher standard of living and a lower income tax rate for the growing number of remote workers. But in some instances it could mean having to pay taxes for a place where they now neither live nor work — or even being taxed on the same income twice. If you are a citizen of the United States working remotely from another country, you may need to fill out some forms, but in most cases, you only owe taxes in the country where you live and work.

How do state and local taxes usually work?

Several bills under consideration would change the way remote workers are taxed based on their location. The Remote and Mobile Worker Relief Act of 2021 would not let states tax or require withholding on nonresident employees who are in a state for less than 30 days. A similar bill called the Mobile Workforce State Income Tax Simplification Act of 2021 is pending in the U.S. A person who lives and works remotely in Washington, for example, can perform work for a company that is based in California without having to pay California state taxes. However, remote workers who travel to other states and work from there may have to file a nonresident state tax return. Remote workers do not have to file nonresident state tax returns unless they physically travel to another state and perform work while they are there.

if i work remote where do i pay taxes

Suppose your temporarily remote employee typically works in the same state or location as your organization but currently works remotely in another state. For a state to consider someone a temporary worker, you must expect the temporary remote worker to return to their permanent location. Otherwise, state governments consider them permanent residents of the other state. As 1099 contractors aren’t employees, they must pay their taxes as an independent business to their state of residence (if working remotely).

How to use an Employer of Record in Panama

Bryan Cannon, CFP, LUTCF, is CEO and chief portfolio strategist at Cannon Advisors. Workers who use 1099 and Schedule C forms, as well as sole proprietors, can still take advantage of deductions for their home office setups. Misclassification of employees in this way can lead to massive penalties for the offending companies, both within and outside the U.S. Both parties should https://remotemode.net/ sign a document that clearly outlines the nature of the relationship and regularly evaluate the relationship to ensure that nothing has changed. Tax preparation software can give you an affordable way to streamline your taxes. If you’re using self-prep tax software, just make sure you input all of the information you need for a correct filing, even if the program doesn’t ask.

SARS seeks tax from non-resident employers working remotely in … – CapeTalk 567

SARS seeks tax from non-resident employers working remotely in ….

Posted: Tue, 07 Nov 2023 09:51:12 GMT [source]

Below, we will go through a few of the more common issues related to taxes between states. Generally, paid time off for a court appearance can range from a few days to weeks at a time. Employers will usually request documentation of the subpoena before approving your leave and corresponding pay. One of the most appealing aspects of remote positions is working anywhere you’d like, as long as there’s reliable Wi-Fi. Many people who found themselves working remotely took the opportunity to relocate to low-tax states or areas that better suit their lifestyle, such as the beach or mountains.

How are remote workers taxed in general?

Because the federal government levies these taxes, where you live doesn’t matter. Snap employees will be required to work in an office at least four days a week as of February 2023, a person familiar with the plans told Insider. This was announced during CEO Evan Spiegel’s weekly chat and Q&A with employees. The change represents a shift from the company’s former policy, which is “remote https://remotemode.net/blog/how-remote-work-taxes-are-paid/ first” and allows employees to work from home or elsewhere. In an extreme example, professional athletes must keep track of their practice and games in different states because they’re required to pay income tax in each state where they earn income. This holds true, too, for lawyers, consultants and construction workers who may go to a different state for months for a job.

  • They can tell you where and how much to invest, strategize around your taxes and avoid big mistakes like retiring too early or panic-selling investments at a loss.
  • If you do hire an advisor, you want to make sure you are getting your money’s worth—and that they are always working in your best interest.
  • One of the most important things in properly filing taxes as a remote worker is enlisting the help of a qualified tax professional to assist in filing.
  • However, with all the (exciting) advances in technology, more and more individuals are trading in their commutes to the office to instead work remotely from home.
  • The tax situation is far more complex for out-of-state workers who commute to work across state lines or work in one state and live in another.
  • In August, Schultz said he was doing everything he could to get workers in the office.

How to Handle 2021 Taxes as a Remote Worker

In this case, you should research the state tax reciprocity agreements between the two states. Here are a few things you can do to keep your tax obligations at a minimum while working remotely. US companies that want to employ an international remote workforce cannot do so directly unless they register a legal entity in a different country or utilize the services of an Employer of Record organization. You’ll love our unique approach to filing taxes—it’s simple, transparent, and carefully designed to provide you with a stress-free filing experience from start to finish. In plain English, both your resident and employer states will tax your income. For example, if your employer state considers you a statutory resident if you spend more than half the year there, count days to make sure you don’t cross that line.

On this non-resident return, you’ll report only the information  listed on that W-2 form. However, if your W-2 form (that form you receive at the end of the year or beginning of January) lists a state other than your resident state, then you’ll need to also file a non-resident tax return to the state listed. In other words, you’ll file two state tax returns; a resident return to the state you live in and a non-resident return to the state listed on your W-2 (the state your company is located in). Because of this, hybrid workers have fewer opportunities to apply for tax exemptions.

Your guide to work-from-home careers that pay well

The move is another sign that the company is drifting away from its previously friendly approach to remote-work. Google employees in the San Francisco Bay Area and “several other US locations” were told to return to the office for at least three days a week starting in April 2022. In August, senior leaders told workers they had to return to the office at least three days a week. CEO Tim Cook said the decision was meant to restore “in-person collaboration.” Employees fought back and issued a petition shortly after the announcement, arguing that staffers can do “exceptional work” from home. You are leaving Discover.com and entering a website operated by a third party.

As the AI tsunami sweeps across the white-collar working world and fundamentally disrupts hundreds of millions of jobs, nearly 1 billion knowledge workers worldwide will be affected, and 14 million jobs will be wiped out. That is especially true if the advisor leads with investment management rather than financial planning. “It would be like going to the doctor and be given drugs or undergoing surgery without the doctor diagnosing the problem,” says Eric Amzalag, chief executive of Peak Financial Planning in Los Angeles.

I’m self-employed, what work-from-home expenses can I take?

Unlike full- and part-time employees, self-employed and contract workers in New Hampshire may be subject to state taxes on their income in certain situations. Obih has seen eligible taxpayers avoid home office deductions because they’re afraid it’ll increase their risk of an audit. “Don’t have a fear of taking the deductions and the tax credits and benefits that are available to you just because of an audit,” she says. In addition to keeping track of your home office expenses, make sure to pay attention to any money you spend on business travel, including the miles you put on your car for business activities.

Catch up on CNBC Select’s in-depth coverage of personal finance, tech and tools, wellness and more, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date. The important thing is to keep itemized receipts or detailed records of everything. “You want to make sure that if ever you get audited… you have a reasonable https://remotemode.net/blog/how-remote-work-taxes-are-paid/ defense for yourself,” she says. Voters in the city of Santa Fe, New Mexico, will consider a 3 percent excise tax on the value of homes sold for more than $1 million to fund affordable housing. The so-called “mansion tax” would apply only to dollar amounts over $1 million, and that threshold would be indexed to inflation.


In this case, you usually pay unemployment tax to the employee’s state of residence. Basically, if your resident state has this pact with the one where you work, you won’t have to pay in both jurisdictions. For instance, if you live in Maryland but work in the District of Columbia, you only need to worry about https://remotemode.net/ having taxes withheld for Maryland. If you end up being double-taxed, your resident state entoitles you to a credit for the taxes paid to the non-resident state. Meet with a TurboTax Live Full Service tax expert who can prepare, sign and file your taxes, so you can be 100% confident your taxes are done right.

In October, he told CNBC that about 65% of staffers were working in the office. The fast-food chain plans to require that corporate workers work in the office four days a week, according to Bloomberg. Chipotle, which had been requiring workers to show up three days a week, announced the shift in late May, according to the report.

How Do Taxes Work if You Work Remotely: A Guide to Navigating Your Taxes

While that statement is as accurate as ever today, complications from the COVID-19 pandemic shed light on the uncertainties of tax issues, namely, how we pay taxes on our remote work. With CDs, rates can change on the whim of the financial institution — and while currently high, CD earnings aren’t designed to protect your savings from inflation https://remotemode.net/ in the long run (like I bonds are). While not all working-class jobs will be safe from automation — retail workers, for instance, do not have a rosy outlook — there has been improvement across the board for lower-income workers. The initial shock of the pandemic hit low-wage workers the hardest, but the recovery since has been more auspicious.

if i work remote where do i pay taxes

For example, U.S. contractors must pay self-employment taxes, typically taken care of by the business you work for. Taxes for digital nomads also change depending on how long you stay in these countries. Those who spend most of their residency in their home country will usually pay taxes. However, you might qualify for some tax exemptions if you spend more of your time out of the country. Additionally, salaried employees have some protection under federal statutes. Under federal law, employers are not allowed to reduce salaried workers’ earnings due to partial workweek absences based on court appearances.

Remote worker taxes outside the United States

One of the most important things in properly filing taxes as a remote worker is enlisting the help of a qualified tax professional to assist in filing. Given the ever-changing tax landscape, this may not be the year to rely on free tax software. If you work at a larger company, for example, they can assign you to an office outside of convenience rule states so you can avoid being taxed by a state you aren’t in, Stanton said. The Tax Foundation’s Walczak said that by looking for short-term tax windfalls, convenience rule states might lose long-term tax gains by driving businesses elsewhere. If you’re unsure how your state or local tax codes affect you, then it’s a good idea to work with a local tax professional to avoid overpaying or underpaying your taxes. Remote workers who live and work in different states need to pay extra attention to state and local taxes.

Verify your employer’s decision is consistent with its written policy and procedure. If you are still uncertain, reach out to your HR department for clarification. Taxes make up https://remotemode.net/blog/how-remote-work-taxes-are-paid/ just one part of the enormously complex equation of working and hiring internationally. Businesses, meanwhile, must contend with issues of payroll, benefits, and compliance.

When what you really need is a tax planner

For example, if you spend 183 days in one state and 182 in another, you’ll be billed for the former, as it’s technically where you spend most of your time living. Always make sure they have the most recent information regarding your residency. Verify your employer is re-evaluating and making necessary adjustments to your tax withholding. “If you’re moving state to state, talk to your tax professional, let them know your situation and then they can better advise,” Obih says.

Доллары нового и старого образца: разница, фото, везде ли принимают старые доллары

как выглядит настоящий доллар

Стоит добавить, что существуют четкие правила, которые помогут распознать настоящие евро. Это официальная валюта 20 стран Еврозоны, которые также являются членами Европейского Союза. В каждой купюре доллара присутствуют особые элементы, предназначенные для обеспечения аутентичности и защиты от подделок.

Начнем с того, как отличить поддельные доллары от настоящих по бумаге. Стоит напомнить, что российские банкноты номиналом 1000 рублей, а также в 5000 рублей тоже активно подделывают. И есть подробные инструкции о том, как распознать обман. Со стороны США, которые занимаются выпуском национальной валюты, предпринимаются серьезные решения, направленные на защиту от копирования. Но все равно подделки то и дело оказываются в обиходе.

Обращение с фальшивыми купюрами

как выглядит настоящий доллар

Применяемая защита доллара от подделки, а также внимательность человека к деталям, дают возможность избежать обмана. • Микропечати, которые можно найти на овалах и в разных частях банкноты. Причины такой избирательности турецких обменников для меня остаются загадкой. В Турции инфляционный кризис, и лира обесценивается на 60—80% в год. Спрос должен быть на доллары любого образца. Юридически разницы между старыми и новыми долларами нет.

Как выглядят 100 долларов нового формата?

как выглядит настоящий доллар

Сложно точно сказать, насколько сильно фальшивые доллары распространены в самих Соединенных штатах Америки. Но с уверенностью можно заявить, что в России и странах СНГ это существенная проблема. • Водяные знаки, которые заметны при изучении банкнот на свету. Они выглядят одинаково с каждой из сторон, так как находятся во внутренней части каждой купюры. В Грузии купюры до 1996 года вообще, похоже, нигде не принимают. В Аргентине если и принимают, то с комиссией 5—10%.

Один из наиболее распространенных методов проверки подлинности включает осмотр водного знака и изображения лица на банкноте. Рассматривая вопрос о том, как выглядит доллар, нужно изучать не только 100-долларовую банкноту, но и деньги с другим номиналом. Саму валюту принято печатать на бумаге, в состав которой входит порядка 75% хлопка и всего 25% льна. Средняя толщина одной банкноты составляет 0,1075 миллиметров. В структуру бумаги включены волокна из гидеон гейм шелка красного и синего цвета.

В Малайзии и Таиланде курс обмена для старых купюр хуже, чем для новых. Во многих обменниках Ливана в 2021 году отказывались принимать стодолларовые купюры старого образца. Обязательно взгляните на левый нижний угол купюры.

Отличительные знаки

Одним из способов обнаружить потенциальную подделку – использовать микроскоп или увеличительное стекло, чтобы рассмотреть мельчайшие детали портрета. На подлинных долларах мелкий текст будет четким и ровным, без размытостей или неровностей. При подделке этот текст может быть плохо видимым или размытым. В данном разделе рассмотрим основные признаки, которые помогут определить настоящий доллар без использования специального оборудования или экспертизы. Зная эти характеристики, вы сможете более уверенно идентифицировать подделку и сохранить свои финансовые средства.

Кроме того, для разных номиналов могут быть разные курсы — это еще одна форма валютной дискриминации, встречающаяся в некоторых странах. Например, купюру 100 $ могут обменивать по более выгодному курсу, чем купюру 5 $. Недавно решил купить наличные доллары на всякий случай и для возможной поездки в отпуск за рубеж.

  1. Американские доллары печатаются купюрами $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 и $100.
  2. Если банкнота была выпущена вместо бракованной, тогда в конце номера обязательно будет стоять звездочка.
  3. На полосе можно заметить чернильницу и колокол, которые при смене угла обзора пропадают, а на их месте появляется число 100.
  4. Их принято относить к золотым долларам, так как они имитируют цвет золота.

Какие знаки отличий есть на долларах

Для этого хлопковые и льняные волокна переплетают друг с другом. Красочные и высококачественные изображения настоящего доллара отличаются от блеклых и некачественных образов на поддельных купюрах. Помните, что приведенные методы являются лишь общими указаниями и не дадут 100% гарантии определения подлинности долларовой банкноты. Для более точной проверки рекомендуется обращаться к специалистам или использовать специальное оборудование.

Как отличить настоящий доллар от подделки: 6 способов

Другим важным фактором является наличие водяного знака. У подлинных долларов на водяном знаке должны быть изображены бюсты выдающихся личностей, таких как президенты США. Чтобы его увидеть, держите купюру перед светом или наклоните так, чтобы игра на бирже свет падал на поверхность под углом.

Покупая 10, 20, 50 или 100 долларов, нужно убедиться, что банкнота оригинальная, и вам не подсунули поддельный вариант иностранной валюты. Эффективная защита не дает 100% гарантии от копий. К тому же некоторые подделки даже не пытаются скопировать максимально точно. Ранее возможности свободно владеть и распоряжаться иностранной валютой в России, как и во многих других странах бывшего СССР, не было. Отсюда вопрос о том, как отличить доллар от подделки, становится все более актуальным. А чем ниже уровень развитости, тем больше обмана и разных форм дискриминации купюр.

Отличить настоящие доллары от поддельных легко, если знать некоторые нюансы. Напомним, что доллар – это главная резервная валюта в мире. Именно на американский доллар приходится почти 60% мировых резервов. В тройку лидеров также входят евро и китайский юань.

• Типографическая краска со свойством менять цвет. При изучении вопроса о том,как выглядят 100 долларов или деньги любого другого номинала, нужно посмотреть на них с разного ракурса. Темно-зеленый цвет цифр будет меняться от ярко-зеленого до черного и обратно. https://fxtrend.org/ Дизайн обновляют, чтобы бороться с фальшивомонетчиками. Самый свежий вариант стодолларовых банкнот — синенький.

Investment Management: More Than Just Buying and Selling Stocks

what is investment management

This portfolio management approach dictates what a third-party may be allowed to do regarding your portfolio. Investment management can benefit investors now, and those investments can be passed on to future generations. It’s common to end up with a collection of investment accounts — a few IRAs, a couple of old 401(k)s from former jobs, that brokerage account you opened after you saw a Warren Buffett documentary. Investment management can streamline your financial life by consolidating accounts from different firms under one roof, making it easier to execute a cohesive investment plan. Effective communication and exceptional client service are crucial components of a successful investment manager-client relationship.

Individual Investors

Consulting with a financial advisor can give you guidance and help you make informed decisions about how to recover from your losses and adjust your strategy if needed. Traditional financial advisors provide portfolio management coupled with financial planning services. Clients meet face-to-face with a dedicated financial planner to discuss their overall financial picture and inventory assets and liabilities. You can hire a financial advisor to craft an overall financial plan or one to achieve specific goals, such as investing for higher education.

Perhaps more frequent is the sustained pressure that large institutions bring to bear on management teams through persuasive discourse and PR. On the other hand, some of the largest investment managers—such as BlackRock and Vanguard—advocate simply owning every company, reducing the incentive to influence management teams. Types of investment managers in an investment management company are traditional financial advisors, online financial advisors, and robo-advisors. Since the services typically have lower fees than traditional financial advisors, this can be a good option for investors with smaller investment portfolios. From the day-to-day buying and selling of securities and assets to transaction settlement and performance measurement, investment managers oversee investments and act on behalf of their clients. Tactical asset allocation involves adjusting the portfolio’s asset allocation based on short-term market conditions and opportunities.

  1. While past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, reviewing an investment manager’s track record can provide valuable insights into their capabilities and investment strategies.
  2. This is done to reinstate the original asset mix when the market movements push it out of kilter.
  3. Risk management is a crucial part of the work of an institutional portfolio manager since these entities must balance the need for profitability with the imperative of preserving capital to meet future liabilities.
  4. Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism.
  5. Robo-advisors are an investment management service that uses computer algorithms to manage investments.

Quantitative investing involves the use of mathematical models, algorithms, and data analysis to make investment decisions. Quantitative investors rely on computer-driven models and statistical techniques to identify market inefficiencies and exploit them for profit. Value investing involves seeking undervalued stocks that trade below their intrinsic value, based on fundamental analysis. Value investors believe that the market often overreacts to negative news, creating buying opportunities for long-term investors. Growth stocks tend to carry higher risk due to their high valuations and sensitivity to market sentiment. However, they also offer the potential for significant capital appreciation when companies meet or exceed expectations.

How do investment management services work?

They work closely with clients to develop and implement investment strategies that align with their goals and objectives. An investment manager is a financial professional who specializes in managing investment portfolios on behalf of clients, including individuals, institutions, and organizations. After you have identified your investment goals, decide on the strategy that fits best for you. You can choose between active or passive management options depending on how much effort and time you want to put into the process.

what is investment management

In addition, the IRS may change tax regulations, forcing you to change your investment strategy. Generally, that means stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents such as certificates of deposit. There are others, called alternative investments, such as real estate, commodities, derivatives, and cryptocurrency. Professional licensed portfolio managers work on behalf of clients, while individuals can build and manage their own portfolios. In either case, the portfolio manager’s ultimate goal is to maximize the investments’ expected return within an appropriate level of risk exposure.

Long-term returns

This approach aims to balance the cost-effectiveness of passive investing with the potential for outperformance through active management or alternative styles. Passive management has lower fees compared to active management, as it requires less research and trading activity. A potentially material aspect of portfolio management relates to how your portfolio is shaped to minimize taxes in the long term.

what is investment management

Emeritus offers a diverse range of online courses in collaboration with renowned universities like IIM, IIT, etc. However, if you are looking for something specific in investment management then you should have a glance at Venture Capital and Equity Programme by ISB Executive Education. Moreover, you should be aware that success in investment management comes with inherent risks, and you should always consult a qualified professional before making any financial decisions.

This type of investing involves creating algorithms or models to identify trends and uncover potential market trading opportunities based on sophisticated data analysis techniques. Mutual funds are investment vehicles that pool money what is investment management from many investors and invest in a wide range of assets. The disadvantages of investment management include the cost, the potential for management abuses, and the volatility of investments. In addition to portfolio management, you want an advisor to assist you with other financial needs, such as cash-flow planning, insurance, or debt management. Robo-advisors are an investment management service that uses computer algorithms to manage investments. Crafting an investment portfolio is a very personal endeavor, as the selection of assets largely depends on age, risk capacity, and desired outcomes.

Investment management services can be provided by individual portfolio managers, investment management firms, or financial institutions. An investment advisor provides advice and guidance to clients about investing in securities, while an investment manager actively manages investment portfolios on behalf of clients. Investment advisors may provide a broader range of financial planning services, while investment managers focus on investment management.

Risk-adjusted performance measurement

Periodically, you should look at how your investments have performed over time and determine if any rebalancing needs to be done. This means adjusting the mix of assets in your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals and objectives. Rebalancing may also help reduce risk and ensure that you take advantage of any market opportunities. An experienced financial advisor can help clients navigate the complex world of investments. They can provide professional guidance to help your wealth and achieve your financial goals. Investment managers have the expertise and knowledge to analyze financial markets, identify investment opportunities, and make informed decisions on behalf of their clients.

There are several advantages and disadvantages of hiring the services of an investment manager. Finding the balance between costs and income is important to determine if investment management is recommended. Investment managers can help to increase the income from an investment portfolio by identifying investments with higher returns and implementing strategies to maximize income. Developing a plan for acquiring and disposing of short-term or long-term investments is essential to investment management.