Over 1300 students in Leeds Grenville and Lanark counties facing suspension over incomplete vaccine

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Over 1300 students in Leeds Grenville and Lanark counties facing suspension over incomplete vaccine

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Over 1300 students in Leeds Grenville and Lanark counties facing suspension over incomplete vaccine

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Over 1300 students in Leeds Grenville and Lanark counties facing suspension over incomplete vaccine

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Over 1300 students in Leeds Grenville and Lanark counties facing suspension over incomplete vaccine

We use cookies and data to If you choose to “Accept all,” we will also use cookies and data to If you choose to “Reject all,” we will not use cookies for these additional purposes. Non-personalized content is influenced by things like the content you’re currently viewing, activity in your active Search session, and your location.Gay porno Non-personalized ads are influenced by the content you’re currently viewing and your general location. Personalized content and ads can also include more relevant results, recommendations, and tailored ads based on past activity from this browser, like previous Google searches. We also use cookies and data to tailor the experience to be age-appropriate, if relevant. Select “More options” to see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. You can also visit g.co/privacytools at any time.

Porn traffic plummets during Presidential Debate These battleground states saw the biggest drop

To masturbate or watch the debate? Traffic on Pornhub plummeted Tuesday night as former President Donald Trump faced off against Vice President Kamala Harris during their first — and possibly only —presidential debate. Many amorous Americans traded porn for politics, with the highly-anticipated showdown drawing in a whopping 67 million viewers across 17 networks, including ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox and CNN.Gay porno Streaming on Pornhub was down 14.8% on average across the country during the debate, dipping in each of the 50 states. Some battleground states, however, saw even more dramatic drops. Visits to the X-rated website tumbled 22.6% in Wisconsin and 18.2% in Pennsylvania, which are shaping up to be must-win states for the candidates. Timestamps provided by Pornhub show streaming was at above-average levels before the debate kicked off at 9 p.m. However, viewership dipped as soon as Trump and Harris took to the stage. By 9.36 p.m., as the two candidates traded barbs on immigration, Americans appeared captivated. Traffic was down 23.5% nationwide. However, some pent-up viewers didn’t have the stamina to sit through the entire event, with Pornhub traffic picking up again after the first commercial break at 10:06 p.m. “It seems people had heard enough from the candidates and instead chose to relieve themselves of the tension,” the company cheekily quipped in a statement provided to The Post. Advertisement

Porn traffic plummets during Presidential Debate These battleground states saw the biggest drop

To masturbate or watch the debate? Traffic on Pornhub plummeted Tuesday night as former President Donald Trump faced off against Vice President Kamala Harris during their first — and possibly only —presidential debate. Many amorous Americans traded porn for politics, with the highly-anticipated showdown drawing in a whopping 67 million viewers across 17 networks, including ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox and CNN.Gay porno Streaming on Pornhub was down 14.8% on average across the country during the debate, dipping in each of the 50 states. Some battleground states, however, saw even more dramatic drops. Visits to the X-rated website tumbled 22.6% in Wisconsin and 18.2% in Pennsylvania, which are shaping up to be must-win states for the candidates. Timestamps provided by Pornhub show streaming was at above-average levels before the debate kicked off at 9 p.m. However, viewership dipped as soon as Trump and Harris took to the stage. By 9.36 p.m., as the two candidates traded barbs on immigration, Americans appeared captivated. Traffic was down 23.5% nationwide. However, some pent-up viewers didn’t have the stamina to sit through the entire event, with Pornhub traffic picking up again after the first commercial break at 10:06 p.m. “It seems people had heard enough from the candidates and instead chose to relieve themselves of the tension,” the company cheekily quipped in a statement provided to The Post. Advertisement

Porn traffic plummets during Presidential Debate These battleground states saw the biggest drop

To masturbate or watch the debate? Traffic on Pornhub plummeted Tuesday night as former President Donald Trump faced off against Vice President Kamala Harris during their first — and possibly only —presidential debate. Many amorous Americans traded porn for politics, with the highly-anticipated showdown drawing in a whopping 67 million viewers across 17 networks, including ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox and CNN.Gay porno Streaming on Pornhub was down 14.8% on average across the country during the debate, dipping in each of the 50 states. Some battleground states, however, saw even more dramatic drops. Visits to the X-rated website tumbled 22.6% in Wisconsin and 18.2% in Pennsylvania, which are shaping up to be must-win states for the candidates. Timestamps provided by Pornhub show streaming was at above-average levels before the debate kicked off at 9 p.m. However, viewership dipped as soon as Trump and Harris took to the stage. By 9.36 p.m., as the two candidates traded barbs on immigration, Americans appeared captivated. Traffic was down 23.5% nationwide. However, some pent-up viewers didn’t have the stamina to sit through the entire event, with Pornhub traffic picking up again after the first commercial break at 10:06 p.m. “It seems people had heard enough from the candidates and instead chose to relieve themselves of the tension,” the company cheekily quipped in a statement provided to The Post. Advertisement

Porn traffic plummets during Presidential Debate These battleground states saw the biggest drop

To masturbate or watch the debate? Traffic on Pornhub plummeted Tuesday night as former President Donald Trump faced off against Vice President Kamala Harris during their first — and possibly only —presidential debate. Many amorous Americans traded porn for politics, with the highly-anticipated showdown drawing in a whopping 67 million viewers across 17 networks, including ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox and CNN.Gay porno Streaming on Pornhub was down 14.8% on average across the country during the debate, dipping in each of the 50 states. Some battleground states, however, saw even more dramatic drops. Visits to the X-rated website tumbled 22.6% in Wisconsin and 18.2% in Pennsylvania, which are shaping up to be must-win states for the candidates. Timestamps provided by Pornhub show streaming was at above-average levels before the debate kicked off at 9 p.m. However, viewership dipped as soon as Trump and Harris took to the stage. By 9.36 p.m., as the two candidates traded barbs on immigration, Americans appeared captivated. Traffic was down 23.5% nationwide. However, some pent-up viewers didn’t have the stamina to sit through the entire event, with Pornhub traffic picking up again after the first commercial break at 10:06 p.m. “It seems people had heard enough from the candidates and instead chose to relieve themselves of the tension,” the company cheekily quipped in a statement provided to The Post. Advertisement

Porn traffic plummets during Presidential Debate These battleground states saw the biggest drop

To masturbate or watch the debate? Traffic on Pornhub plummeted Tuesday night as former President Donald Trump faced off against Vice President Kamala Harris during their first — and possibly only —presidential debate. Many amorous Americans traded porn for politics, with the highly-anticipated showdown drawing in a whopping 67 million viewers across 17 networks, including ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox and CNN.Gay porno Streaming on Pornhub was down 14.8% on average across the country during the debate, dipping in each of the 50 states. Some battleground states, however, saw even more dramatic drops. Visits to the X-rated website tumbled 22.6% in Wisconsin and 18.2% in Pennsylvania, which are shaping up to be must-win states for the candidates. Timestamps provided by Pornhub show streaming was at above-average levels before the debate kicked off at 9 p.m. However, viewership dipped as soon as Trump and Harris took to the stage. By 9.36 p.m., as the two candidates traded barbs on immigration, Americans appeared captivated. Traffic was down 23.5% nationwide. However, some pent-up viewers didn’t have the stamina to sit through the entire event, with Pornhub traffic picking up again after the first commercial break at 10:06 p.m. “It seems people had heard enough from the candidates and instead chose to relieve themselves of the tension,” the company cheekily quipped in a statement provided to The Post. Advertisement